An unexpected error "No such feature exists. FLEXnet licensing error 5,21

• License type: Network
• Occurrence: On EMTP Opening.
When trying to open EMTP, it does not open and instead the following message pops up:

• Solutions:
- Make sure the EMTP version matches or is older than the network license. >>See how
- Make sure the server hostname in the license file is correct. >>See how
- Make sure the client license file matches the network license file. >>See how
- Make sure the Client computer can access to the server hosting the EMTP-RV FlexLM license manager. >>See how
- Replace the name of the server in license file by its IP address.

#Unit Number: 17364
SERVER d48564c641c8
FEATURE EMTPWorks3 EMTPRV 4.0 permanent 2 HOSTID=ANY SN=5000 \

- Send log file and server status to

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